Asaf Cohen




I am with the Department of Communication Systems Engineering, Ben-Gorion University of the Negev. Before that, I was a postdoc at Caltech, working with Prof. Michelle Effros on problems in network information theory. The projects were part of the ITMANET-FLoWS (Fundamental Limits of Wireless Systems) research. I received my B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from theTechnion - I.I.T., supervised by Prof. Neri Merhav and Prof. Tsachy Weissman.

I am currently on sabbatical at the Network Coding and Reliable Communications group, MIT, with Prof. Muriel Medard.

Contact INfo.

Department of Communication Systems Engineering

Ben-Gorion University of the Negev

Beer-Sheva 84105.

Alon (Bld. 37), Room 517

Office: (08) 6428062

Fax:(08) 6472883


Quick links

Scholar profile


Last update: Feb. 26, 2016


Information Theory and Coding. In particular, network information theory and network coding; Learning; Network security and anomaly detection; Sequential decision making and statistical signal processing.