Senior Academic


Filters (10)


The anurans and squamates assemblage from Final Natufian Eynan (Ain Mallaha, Israel) with an emphasis on snake-human interactions
Rebecca Biton, Salvador Bailon, Michal Birkenfeld, Anne Bridault, Hamudi Khalaily, Francois R. Valla, Rivka Rabinovich


Use-wear Analysis of Cortical and Tabular Scrapers and Discs from the Chalcolithic Sites of Bir es-Safadi and Abu Matar
Shoh Yamada, Michal Birkenfeld, Chantal Lili-Tafber


Investigations at Nahal Roded 110: A Late Neolithic ritual site in the southern Negev
Michal Birkenfeld, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer, Jerry Bond, Erika Guttmann-Bond, Linda S. Cummings, Hadas Goldgeier, Maria Krakovsky, Filipe Natalio, Keren Nebenhaus, Frank H. Neumann, Naomi Porat, Louis Scott, Tal Simmons, Talia Yashuv, Uzi Avner


Changing Systems: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Settlement Patterns in the Lower Galilee, Israel
Michal Birkenfeld


Reconstructing socio-political urban-rural interactions using viewshed analysis: The Late Bronze Age at Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel
Yitzhak Paz, Michal Birkenfeld


The age of the Lower Paleolithic site of Kefar Menachem West, Israel—Another facet of Acheulian variability
Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Omry Barzilai, Avner Ayalon, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Michal Birkenfeld, Naomi Porat, Hagai Ron, Joel Roskin, Oren Ackermann
Yarmukian-type architecture without Yarmukian-type pottery at the site of Khirbet 'Asafna (east) in the Jezreel Valley, Israel: a dilemma?
Edwin C. M. van den Brink, Dan Kirzner, Michal Birkenfeld, Alla Yaroshevich, Nimrod Marom


GIS Virtual Reconstructions of the Temporal and Spatial Relations of Fossil Deposits at Wonderwerk Cave (South Africa)
Michal Birkenfeld, Margaret D. Avery, Liora Kolska Horwitz


Another piece in the puzzle: A new PPNA site at Bir el-Maksur (Northern Israel)
Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Emil Aladjem, Yael Givol-Barzilai, Doron Bonnes, Yuval Goren, Reuven Yeshurun, Michal Birkenfeld
Excavations at Horbat 'Illit B: A Chalcolithic (Ghassulian) Site in the Haelah Valley
Ianir Milevski, Jacob Vardi, Isaac Gilead, Anna Eirikh-Rose, Michal Birkenfeld