BGU Digital Archaeology Research laboratory
Digital Archaeology refers to the application of computerized technology to the recording, analysis, and communication of the human past. With the technological innovations of recent years, these abilities have advanced critically as well. Cutting-edge technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Photogrammetry, and Remote Sensing have become integral tools in archaeological research. These advanced tools enable the enhancement of ‘traditional’ archaeological methods and offer new approaches to analysis and presentation.

The main aim of the BGU Digital Archaeology Research laboratory [BGU-DARC] is to develop, implement, and disseminate the use of digital tools in archaeological research. The lab brings together researchers from all levels, from BA to faculty, with different levels and types of expertise, including GIS, photogrammetry and 3D recording, spatial statistics, remote-sensing, and digital support for fieldwork. It supports the technological needs of the Archaeology department at BGU, students and staff by providing facilities, advice, and training, and is incorporated in the department’s teaching program.

BGU-DARC also provides expert research services to researchers outside BGU, whether in academia or the private market. For consultation and further information regarding our services please contact us at bgu_darc@bgu.ac.il