Senior Academic

Birkenfeld, M. 2018. Changing Systems: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Settlement Patterns in the Lower Galilee, Israel
Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment (SENEPSE) 21, Berlin: Ex Oriente. (iv + 334 pages, 119 figs. incl. 37 colour illsutrations, 12 tables).
To the book

Birkenfeld, M. & Garfinkel, Y. (Eds). 2020. Digital Archaeology: New research and advanced technologies. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew)
Birkenfeld, M. & Garfinkel, Y. (Eds). 2020. Digital Archaeology: New research and advanced technologies. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew)
To the book

Golani, A., Varga, D., Tchekhanovets, Y. and Birkenfeld, M. 2022. Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel.