Senior Academic

Book Image
Birkenfeld, M. 2018. Changing Systems: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Settlement Patterns in the Lower Galilee, Israel
Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment (SENEPSE) 21, Berlin: Ex Oriente. (iv + 334 pages, 119 figs. incl. 37 colour illsutrations, 12 tables).​
IMG 6193
Birkenfeld, M. & Garfinkel, Y. (Eds). 2020. Digital Archaeology: New research and advanced technologies. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew)
Birkenfeld, M. & Garfinkel, Y. (Eds). 2020. Digital Archaeology: New research and advanced technologies. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew)
IMG 6194
Golani, A., Varga, D., Tchekhanovets, Y. and Birkenfeld, M. 2022. Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel.
Golani, A., Varga, D., Tchekhanovets, Y. and Birkenfeld, M. 2022. Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel. Collected papers, vol.5. Jerusalem: The Israel Antiquities Authority (Hebrew and English).