Senior Academic


Filters (10)


Discussion Points of the Remote Sensing Study and Integrated Analysis of the Archaeological Landscape of Rujm el-Hiri
Olga Khabarova, Michal Birkenfeld, Lev V. Eppelbaum
Advancing archaeo-geophysics through integrated informational-probabilistic techniques and remote sensing
Lev V. Eppelbaum, Olga Khabarova, Michal Birkenfeld
To Be or not to Be: An Introduction to the Origins, Nature and Chronology of the EPPNB in the Southern Levant
Michal Birkenfeld, Ferran Borrell, Christoph Purschwitz, Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow
The Early PPNB of Amqa (Upper Galilee, Israel) from a Regional Perspective
Maayan Shemer, Lena Brailovsky Rokser, Michal Birkenfeld
Nahal Zahal, an Early PPNB Site in the Northern Negev: A Preliminary Report on the First Excavation Season
Michal Birkenfeld, Talia Abulafia
To Be or not to Be: The Early PPNB of the southern Levant
Michal Birkenfeld, Ferran Borrell, Christoph Purschwitz, Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow


GIS Research in Cave K-1 at Quleh and the Distribution of Finds
Leticia Barda, Michal Birkenfeld, Ianir Milevski
Regional and Viewshed Analyses of Burial Sites and Settlements in the Area of Quleh and Mazor (West)
Michal Birkenfeld, Ianir Milevski
Keeping the Hydra in its cave: Viewshed analysis and the Frankish blockade of Fāṭimid Ascalon (1132-1153)
Rafael Y. Lewis, Michal Birkenfeld


ניתוח שדה ראייה של בידודה הפראנקי של אשקלון הפאטימית (1153-1132) ומשמעותו
רפאל י לואיס, Michal Birkenfeld