Senior Academic

Use-wear Analysis of Cortical and Tabular Scrapers and Discs from the Chalcolithic Sites of Bir es-Safadi and Abu Matar

Shoh Yamada, Michal Birkenfeld, Chantal Lili-Tafber
A total of 44 scrapers and two perforated discs from the Chalcolithic sites of Bir es-Safadi and Abu Matar in the Beer Sheva basin have been microscopically examined for use-wear polish. Most scrapers, both tabular and non-tabular, appear to have been used for scraping hide. There are some differences in wear patterns corresponding to morphological subtypes of the scrapers. The two perforated discs showed no recognizable use-wear but possible ochre stains on one side of each disc surface along the edge, suggesting a non-utilitarian use.
Publication language English
Pages 192-208
Volume 50
Publication status Published - 2020