Dr. Kineret Sharfi
Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in the Western Negev and grew up in Beer-Sheva. In 2002, I completed my undergraduate degree in occupational therapy at Tel Aviv University, followed by a master’s degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I later earned my PhD in occupational therapy from the University of Haifa. I’ve worked as an occupational therapist for over 20 years, since 2002, specializing in child development. I balance clinical practice with research and teaching. Currently, I’m a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Health Policy and Administration at Ben-Gurion University, and I began teaching in the newly established Department of Occupational Therapy during the 2024 academic year.
Why BGU?
That’s an easy question – the South is my home. I’ve lived in the Negev my entire life, and for the past 15 years, I’ve been a resident of the Ramat Negev Regional Council, where I live with my three children, alongside my parents, who also live here. This is where I want to be, where I can contribute, continue to grow professionally, connect my clinical experience and research questions, and train the next generation of occupational therapists. It’s crucial for me to advance occupational therapy services in the South, where there is a significant shortage of practitioners and professionals.
My research:
I focus on populations with neurodevelopmental diagnoses at different stages in life. This means I study children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities, ADHD, developmental coordination disorder, sensory processing disorders, and individuals on the autism spectrum. My research explores the connections between these diagnoses and various bodily functions, such as motor, sensory, cognitive, and emotional aspects, and how they relate to the daily challenges these individuals face. I also examine how the environment can aid functioning and how these factors impact quality of life. I investigate perceptions of disability and practical applications of the World Health Organization’s ICF model, assessing their influence on the functioning of individuals with neurodevelopmental diagnoses.
My goal is to promote better occupational therapy services for these populations and create beneficial environments in health, education, and welfare systems to enhance their daily functioning and quality of life. Currently, in my postdoctoral research under the guidance of Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, I’m investigating the shortage of occupational therapists in the public healthcare system in the South and exploring possible solutions. My hope is to propose an actionable plan for organizing occupational therapy services in the South and to contribute to retaining graduates of our department in the region.
An insight from my research:
Each and every person has the potential to find a path that allows them to flourish. However, to feel good about ourselves and achieve what matters most, we must first look inward, get to know and understand ourselves, and then seek out the environments and pursuits that suit us most and bring us fulfillment. When we reach that sense of well-being, we are better able to support others. If I can contribute to enhancing someone’s quality of life, I trust that they, in turn, will play it forward in their own unique ways.

Something that doesn't appear on my resume:
I really love meeting new people, but I struggle with recognizing faces. It takes me a long time to remember and identify someone by their face. So, if you wear a hat or change your hairstyle, I probably won’t recognize you – sorry in advance, this is a real challenge for me.
A source of inspiration:
Buddhism and the Dalai Lama, for their messages of love, compassion, and existentialism – I strive to be present in the moment (though I’m not always successful…).
When I grow up…
I’ve always wanted to work with people and research what interests me. I believe that’s exactly what I’m doing now, which is wonderful.
If I weren’t a researcher, lecturer, or therapist…
I’d probably be involved in designing buildings and environments that are pleasant and accessible for everyone.
In brief:
- MasterChef or Kupa Rashit (Checkout)? I haven’t watched TV since 1998.
- Pilates or spinning? Yoga
- Morning or night? Sunrises and sunsets.
- Summer or winter? I’m glad we have both.
- Instant coffee or espresso? Black coffee with milk.
- Trek or spa? Definitely spa.
- Car or train? Car to the train station – that’s life in the periphery.
- Classical Europe or India? Every place has its beauty.
- City or country? Same answer as above...
- Movie at the cinema or Netflix binge? I usually fall asleep during both.
- Dog or cat? Always dogs, especially one dear dog named Elia, who is no longer with us, and I miss her deeply.