Dr. Rinat Avraham
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in Kibbutz Sa'ad, located in the Gaza border area, and graduated high school at Kvutzat Yavne. I earned my bachelor's degree in nursing at Ben-Gurion University and continued at the University for my master’s and doctoral degrees in Health Systems Management. I completed my postdoctoral research in collaboration with Drexel University in Philadelphia.
Why BGU?
I was born and raised in Sa'ad, where I built my family and established my career. My roots in the Negev run deep, and I have a profound love for this region and its people.
My research:
My research focuses on understanding the factors that influence behavior in health-related issues. I’m particularly interested in personality traits, and study how personalized interventions can drive behavioral change. Additionally, I investigate the use of medical simulations in the professional development of nurses during their training.
An insight from my research:
Everyone has the power to change; you just need to find the right way to unlock it.

A source of inspiration:
I draw my inspiration from the ordinary people around me, who quietly and modestly do great things.
When I grow up...
As a child, I wanted to be a teacher for adults, and in many ways, that’s what I do today. My dream is to cultivate a generation of nurse-researchers who will advance nursing practice in Israel and globally.
If I wasn't a researcher, I would be...
In another role within the caregiving or social field, focused on the elderly population.
In brief:
- MasterChef or Kupa Rashit (Checkout)? Kupa Rashit. I don’t like reality TV.
- Pilates or spinning? I prefer walking and functional training.
- Morning or Night? Morning (though during stressful periods, night works too).
- Summer or Winter? Summer
- Hapoel or Maccabi? Maccabi
- Noa Kirel or Netta Barzilai? How about Ehud Banai?
- Steak or Tofu? Tofu
- Instant coffee or Espresso? One daily cup of instant coffee first thing in the morning.
- Trek or Spa? Trekking
- Car or Train? Car, if I must…
- Classical Europe or India? South America
- Sea or Pool? Sea!
- City or country? Country
- Movie Theater or Netflix Binge? Late-night binge.
- Text or Voice message? Text message with auto-dictation.
- Dog or Cat? Pets aren’t my fetish.
- Instagram or TikTok? Isn’t Facebook enough?
- Three things I would take to a desert island? A pen and notebook (that’s one), a good book, and a picture of my family.