Biomedical Optics Laboratory
The Biomedical and Nano-Optics Laboratory develops novel biomedical and nano-photonic technology and applies it in the fields of biology and medicine.
PI: Prof. Alberto Bilenca
Biomedical Robotics Laboratory
In the Biomedical Robotics Lab we apply neuroscience theories about the human sensorimotor coordination, adaptation, and learning in the development of human-operated medical and surgical robotic systems. We also use medical robots as a platform to understand the human sensorimotor system in real-life tasks like surgery. We hope that this research will improve the quality of treatment for patients, will facilitate better training of surgeons, advance the technology of teleoperation and haptics, and advance our understanding of the brain.
PI: Prof. Ilana Nisky
Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory
In the Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory we advance technology through physiological signals in order to maximize clinical and physiological information. New signal processing methods that offer effective solutions for diagnosing various medical problems are being developed. The research focuses on sleep, respiratory and heart disorders.PI: Prof. Yaniv Zigel
Motor Learning Laboratory
Physiological characteristics of individual neurons in cerebellar cortex
Neural correlates of motor learning at the level of the single cell
Anatomical identification of sub-regions of cerebellar cortex involved in different aspects of motor learning using voxel based morphometric analysis of three dimensional anatomical scans
Models of the cerebellum and cerebellar function
Sensorimotor transformations in the archer fish
PI: Prof. Opher Donchin
Nanobioelectronics Laboratory
The Nanobioelectronics Laboratory (NBEL) specializes in interfacing biology with microelectronics. In particular, we are interested in integrating functional biomaterials with micro- and nano- systems for sensing and actuation technologies. Current projects include: real-time and mobile analysis of chemical and biological markers for personalized health monitoring, biosensing systems development and integration to provide holistic solutions for real-world use, and system-level solutions for in-vivo and in-vitro clinical applications in the world of the Internet of Things.
PI: Prof. Hadar Ben-Yoav
Spatial cognition and rehabilitation lab
Our lab focuses on human interaction with our surroundings - how do we know where we are, remember where are stuff is, plan routes and navigate them? Beyond interaction with the physical world and the neural systems supporting it, we also focus on other types of spaces, such as social and emotional, and especially with virtual and augmented spaces. To understand how humans can perform these tasks, and to assist people with challanges in them (e.g. DTD, Alzheimers, Stroke etc.) we research on several levels - behaviorally, using extended reality tools (AR, VR), computationally, using machine learning and computational neuroscience tools, and neurally, using neuroimaging tools (fMRI, ECoG, EEG)
PI: Dr. Shachar Maidenbaum
Laboratory for biomedical materials and 3D printing
PI: Dr. Galit Katarivas Levy