Department of Chemistry

General information for applicants


Chemistry deals with transformations of matter and energy, and the manner by which such transformations may be put to practical use.  Chemistry is a central pillar of our modern technological society:  A knowledge of chemistry is essential in fields such as metallurgy, textiles, plastics, explosives, medicine, materials, and energy.

The definition of what constitutes "Chemistry" has considerably broadened in recent years.  Because Chemistry is connected to so many other branches of science, research in Chemistry departments is often highly interdisciplinary, with particularly strong connections to Physics, Biology, and Chemical Engineering.  Research in Chemistry includes the classical fields of Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry, as well as the specialized subjects such as Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Mathematical, Computational, and Systems Biology, Biophysics, Nano-Science and Technology, Materials Science and "Green" Chemistry.

An undergraduate degree in Chemistry will teach the student how to carry out the chemical transformations that are central to our modern way of life, and will also teach the student the principles upon which these transformations are based.  Therefore, the student who studies chemistry will learn how to design and control chemical reactions, how to synthesize different kinds of compounds, and will also learn the quantum, statistical, kinetic, and thermodynamic basis for chemical processes.



The Chemistry Department offers three three-year undergraduate degree tracks in Synthetic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, and Physical and Nano Chemistry.
The Chemistry Department also offers three four-year undergraduate dual-degree programs in Bioinformatics (in conjunction with Computer Science), Chemistry and Computers (in conjunction with Computer Science), and Nano-Science and Technology (in conjunction with Chemical Engineering).
The primary language for undergraduate studies is Hebrew.  However, an ability to read, comprehend and communicate in English is essential for successful completion of the undergraduate degree.

For additional details, please contact Zviya Yehezkel​ (, the Student Affairs Administrator.



The Department of Chemistry at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev also offers graduate degrees at the Master's and Ph.D. levels.  Both degrees involve supervised research with a Department faculty member, leading to a Master's or Ph.D. thesis describing the results of original research on a chosen topic.  The Master's degree program lasts approximately two years, while the Ph.D. degree program typically lasts four years, depending on the student, the advisor, and the chosen research problem.  
The Master's degree precedes the Ph.D. degree, though excellent students may be considered for the direct track, which allows them to enter the Ph.D. program immediately following completion of their undergraduate degree.
The primary language of study for the graduate program is English.
For additional details, please contact Prof. Doron Pappo (, head of the graduate students committee in the Department.



A complete list and description of courses offered by the Department may be found at the Ben-Gurion University list of courses web-site (Hebrew).