Conflicts and disputes are an integral part of organizations, societies, families, politics, and relations between countries. Today, there is global recognition of the need for advanced research in the field of conflict management and resolution. There is also a need to train experts and conduct research in conflict management in order to provide expertise in this field to legal, educational, and defense systems, in social and welfare organizations in the public and private sectors.
The training of experts and research about managing and resolving conflicts is a multidisciplinary complex challenge that requires diverse tools to deal with the numerous potential and actual arenas of conflict. The Martin Springer Center for Conflict Studies has been established in order to conduct research and to train advanced professionals and researchers who can be integrated into in-depth study in the field and who will be able to find new ways to manage and resolve conflicts.
Professor Shifra Sagy is the director of the Martin Springer Center for Conflict Studies, and has been since its establishment. She initiated the Center together with Professor Dan Bar On (late, ז"ל) and the Center operates as a memorial to his work in conflict resolution.