The Martin Springer Center for Conflict Studies


  • Neuman Ayalon, M., & Sagy, S. (2023). Zehut politit, narrativim shel yemin v’smol, v’ramat ha’eemoon b’mosdot hamedina: Hitmodedoot b’et mashber ha’Corona. [Political identity, left and right narratives, and the level of trust in public institutions: Coping with the Corona crisis.] Hamerhav Hatzibury [The Public Space], 16, 59-88. (Hebrew).
  • Walden, T., Shachar, E., Ben Asher, S., Huss, E., Sagy, S., & Golan, E. (Eds.),(2023). ‎Hevley tikva: ‎Bet sefer ha’shalom leyaldey ha’plitim b’Lesbos 2017-2022. [Pangs of Hope: ‎The School for ‎Peace for refugee children in Lesbos 2017-2022.]. (Hebrew) ‎ 
  • Leshem, B. & Sagy, S. (2023). Legitimization of the other narrative as a mediator of the relationships between national honor, dignity perceptions and the willingness to reconcile. The case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In F. Ferrari, M., Leiner, Z. Barakat, & M. Sternberg (Eds.). Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Transdisciplinary Perspectives from the DFG Project "Hearts of Flesh-not Stone." Göttingen,Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.​​​
  • Benheim, S. (2023). The impact of encountering the other: A long term study of Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli participants in a multicultural program at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. In F. Ferrari, & M. Leiner (Eds.). Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Transdisciplinary Perspectives from the DFG Project "Hearts of Flesh-not Stone." Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
  • Sarid, A., Srour, A., & Sagy, S. (2023). Sense of national coherence and willingness to reconcile:The case of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. In F. Ferrari, M., Leiner, Z. Barakat, & M. Sternberg (Eds.). Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Transdisciplinary Perspectives from the DFG Project "Hearts of Flesh-not Stone." Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
  • Sternberg, M. & Sagy, S. (2023). When Israeli students encounter Palestinian narratives. In F. Ferrari, M., Leiner, Z. Barakat, & M. Sternberg (Eds.). Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Transdisciplinary Perspectives from the DFG Project "Hearts of Flesh-not Stone." Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
  • Shachar, E., Walden, T., Ben Asher, S., Huss, E., & Sagy, S. (2022). Eee shel ‎sheket b'yam so'hehr: Bet sefer l'yelday plitim b'Lesbos [An island of quiet in a ‎stormy sea: School for children of refugees on Lesbos]. In O. Nutman-Schwartz ‎‎(Ed.). Avoda socialeet tachat esh: Teyoriya, mechkar, v'hitarvoot [Social work under fire: Theory, research, and intervention] (chpt. 16). Haifa: Pardes Hotza'a ‎L'Or. ‎
  • Ben Asher, S., Huss, E., Waldman, T., Shahar, E., & Sagy, S. (2021). Behe'ader bayit u'medina – hatikvah b'kerev yaldey haplitim b'beit hasefer l'shalom. [When home and state are missing – hope among refugee children in the School of Peace.] Ha'yeutz Ha'hinuchi [The Educational Advising]. Hebrew
  • Mana, A., Catz, O., Mana, Y., Neuman, M., Benheim, S., & Sagy, S. (2021). How do people cope during the COVID-19 pandemic and stay well? A salutogenic longitudinal study in Israel. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 4377. 
  • Mana, A., Bauer, G.F., Meier Magistretti, C., Sardu, C., Juvinyà-Canal, D., Hardy, L.J., Catz, O., Tušl, M., & Sagy, S. (2021). Order out of chaos: Sense of coherence and the mediating role of coping resources in predicting mental health during COVID-19 in 7 countries. SSM & Mental Health1, 100001.
  • Huss, E., Ben Asher, S., Shahar, E., Walden, T., & Sagy, S. (2021). Creating places, relationships and education for refugee children in camps: Lessons learnt from the 'The School of Peace' educational model. Children & Society, 35(4), 481-502.
  • Hardy, L., Mana, A., Mundell, L., Benheim, S., Torres Morales, K., & Sagy, S. (2021). Living in ‎opposition: How women in the United States cope in spite of mistrust of federal leadership ‎during the pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(6), 2059-2070.
  • Mana, A., Super, S., Sardu, C., Juvinya Canal, D., Neuman, M., & Sagy, S. (2021). Individual, social and national coping resources and their relationships with mental health and anxiety: A comparative study in Israel, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands during the Coronavirus pandemic. Global Health Promotion. 18:1757975921992957. . Epub ahead of print ​
  • Mana, A., Srour, A., & Sagy, S. (2021). Sense of community coherence, perceptions of collective narratives, and identity strategies in intra- and interreligious group conflicts. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology27(4), 669–673.
  • Telaku, M., Mana, A., Srour, A., & Sagy, S. (2021). Sense of community coherence and perceptions of collective narratives in postconflict context: The mediating role of subjective experience of interpersonal power. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(3), 350–361.
  • Mana, A., & Sagy, S. (2020). Brief report: Can political orientation explain mental health in the time of a global pandemic? Voting patterns, personal and national coping resources, and mental health during the Coronavirus crisis, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39(3), 187–193.
  • Mana & A. Srour (Eds.). (2020). Israeli and Palestinian Collective Narratives in Conflict: A Tribute to Shifra Sagy and Her Work.Cambridge Scholars.
  • Sternberg, M. (2020). “You chose what to see”: Israeli students reflect about their encounter with Palestinian narratives. In A. Mana & A. Srour (Eds.), Israeli and Palestinian Collective Narratives in Conflict: A Tribute to Shifra Sagy and Her Work. UK: Cambridge Scholars.
  • Zigenlaub, E. (2020). Acknowledging the collective narrative of the "other" in dialogue groups: The case of Israeli Jews and Arabs. Groups, 44, 7-26.​
  • Mana, A., & Sagy, S. (2020). Brief Report: Can Political Orientation Explain Mental Health in the Time of a Global Pandemic? Voting Patterns, Personal and National Coping Resources, and Mental Health During the Coronavirus Crisis. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39(3), 165-171.​
  • Barakat, M.Z., Ferrari, F., Leiner, M., Sternberg, M., (Eds). (2020). Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Transdisciplinary Studies from the Project “Hearts of Flesh – Not Stone”. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Göttingen.
  • Ben Asher, S., Sagy, S., Srour, A., Walden, T., Huss, E., Shachar, E. & Alsraiha, K. (2020). Hope among refugee children attending the International School of Peace on Lesbos, Journal of Refugee Studies, feaa003,
  • Leshem, B., & Sagy, S. (2020). National Honor and Personal Dignity Perceptions, Legitimization of the Narrative of the "Other" and Willingness to Reconcile: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication.​
  • Zigenlaub, E., & Sagy, S. (2020). Encountering the narrative of the "other": Comparing two types of dialogue groups of Jews and Arabs in Israel, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 26(1), 88-91.
  • Zigenlaub, E. & Sagy, S. (2020). Learning the narrative of the other. What type of encounter is more effective? In F. Ferrari, M., Leiner, Z. Barakat, & M. Sternberg (Eds.). Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Transdisciplinary Perspectives from the DFG Project "Hearts of Flesh-not Stone." Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.​
  • Bauer, G.F., Roy, M., Bakibinga, P., Contu, P., Downe, S., Eriksson, M., Espnes, G.A., Jensen, B.B., Juvinya Canal, D., Lindström, B., Mana, A., Mittelmark, M.B., Morgan, A.R., Pelikan, J.M., Sabiga-Nunes, L., Sagy, S., Shorey, S., Vaandrager, L. & Vinje, H.F. (2019). Future directions for the concept of salutogenesis: A position article. Health Promotion International, 2019, 1-9. doi:10.1093/hea​pro/daz057​​
  • Ben David, Y., & Idan, O. (2019). “We don’t have to talk about how I feel”: emotionality as a tool of resistance in political discourse among Israeli students–a gendered socio-linguistic perspective. International Feminist Journal of Politics21(2), 271-294.
  • Daoud, N., Berger-Polsky, A., Abu Kaf, S., & Sagy, S. (2019). Sense of coherence among Bedouin women in polygamous ve​rsus monogamous marriages. Women & Health, 60(1), 43-59.   
  • Kapshuk, Y. (2019). Teransitional justice in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations: What can be learned from the Colombian case? Journal of Peacebuilding & Development14(1), 73-78.​ ​
  • Mana, A. (2019). Knowledge about the “others”, perspective taking, and anxiety about intergroup contact in a natural intergroup contact. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 25(4), 276–286.​​​​
  • Mana, A., Sagy, S., & Srour, A. (2019). Sense of National Coherence and openness to the “other's" collective narratives: The case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 25(3), 226–233.
  • Somech, L. & Sagy, S. (2019). Perceptions of collective narratives and identity strategies as indicators of intergroup relations: The case of ultra-Orthodox and National-Religious Jewish communities in Israel, International Journal of Conflict Management, 30(3), 290-308. doi/10.1108/IJCMA-06-2017-0058/full/html
  • Braun-Levensohn, O., Al Said, H., & Sagy, S. (2018). Sense of coherence, hope, and home demolition are deferentially associated with anger and anxiety among Bedouin Arab adolescents in recognised and unrecognised villages. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
  • Sommerville, J. A., & Ziv, T. (2018). The developmental origins of infants’ distributive fairness concerns. In K. Gray & J. Graham (Eds.), The Atlas of Moral Psychology: Mapping Good and Evil in the Mind (pp. 420-429). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Sternberg, M., Litvak Hirsch, T., & Sagy, S. (2018). "Nobody ever told us": The contribution of intragroup dialogue to reflexive learning about violent conflict. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 24(2), 127-138.
  • Telaku, M. & Sagy, S. (2018). Perceptions of Collective Narratives and Acculturation Attitudes: The Case of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo. In L.G. Feldman, R. Barash, & S. Goda (Eds.), Societies in Transition. The Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation, 211-224
  • Antonovsky, A. & Sagy, S. (2017). Aaron Antonovsky, the scholar and the man behind salutogenesis. In M. Mittlemark, S. Sagy, M. Eriksson, G.F. Bauer, J.M. Pelikan, B. Lindström, G.A. Espnes (Eds.), Handbook of Salutogenesis (pp. 15-23). Springer International.​
  • Ben David, Y., Hameiri, B., Benheim, S., Leshem, B., Sarid, A., Sternberg, M., Nadler, A., & Sagy, S. (2017). Exploring ourselves within conflicted relations: the role of intra-group dialogue in the acknowledgment of collective narratives of self and “other” and willingness towards reconciliation. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
  • Kalagy, T. (2017). Values, constraints, and maneuvers: Process of academization among ultra-Orthodox women and Bedouin women in Israel. In E. Lewin, E. Bick, & D. Naor, Comparative Perspectives on Civil Religion, Nationalism, and Political Influence. (pp. 257-284). IGI Global. 
  • Mana, A., Benheim, S., & Sagy​​​, S. (2017). Perspectives on salutogenesis of scholars writing in Hebrew. In M. Mittlemark, S. Sagy, M. Eriksson, G.F. Bauer, J.M. Pelikan, B. Lindström, G.A. Espnes (Eds.), Handbook of Salutogenesis (pp. 391-397). Springer International.
  • Mjally-Knani, S., Sagy, S., Mana, A., & Srour, A. (2017). Socioeconomic status, intergroup daily contact and identity strategies: The case of Palestinian Muslim and Christians citizens of Israel. World Journal of Social Science Research, 4(1), 61-81.
  • Sagy, S. (2017). Can we empathize with the narrative of our enemy? A personal odyssey in studying peace education. Intercultural Education.
  • Sagy, S. (2017). Salutogenesis in the era after Antonovsky. In M. Mittlemark, S. Sagy, M. Eriksson, G.F. Bauer, J.M. Pelikan, B. Lindström, G.A. Espnes (Eds.), Handbook of Salutogenesis (pp. 43-44). Springer International.
  • Sagy, S. & Mana, A. (2017). The relevance of salutogenesis to social issues besides health: The case of sense of coherence and intergroup relations. In M. Mittlemark, S. Sagy, M. Eriksson, G.F. Bauer, J.M.​​ Pelikan, B. Lindström, G.A. Espnes (Eds.), Handbook of Salutogenesis (pp.77-81). Springer ​International.​
  • Stephen, J.  & Sagy, S. (2017). Positive Psychology in the Context of Salutogenesis. In M. Mittlemark, S. Sagy, M. Eriksson, G.F. Bauer, J.M. Pelikan, B. Lindström, G.A. Espnes (Eds.), Handbook of Salutogenesis (pp.83-88). Springer International.​
  • Ziv, T. & Sommerville, J.A. (2017). Developmental differences in infants' fairness expectations from 6 to 15 months of age. Child Development, 88(6), 1930-1951.​​
  • Elfassi, Y., Braun-Lewensohn, O., Krumer-Nevo, M., & Sagy, S. (2016). Community sense of coherence among adolescents as related to their involvement in risk behaviors. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(1), 22–37.
  • Krumer-Nevo, M., Elfassi, Y., Sagy, S., & Lavie-Ajayi, M. (2016). Neither seeing nor seen: Exclusion and double exclusion in the lives of young people involved in the drug trade in Israel. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 24(1), 36-52.
  • Mana, A., Sagy, S. & Srour, A. (2016). Sense of community coherence and inter-religious relations. The Journal of Social Psychology, 156(5), 469-482.
  • Srour, A., Mana, A., & Sagy, S. (2016). Perceptions of collective narratives among Arab and Jewish adolescents in Israel: A decade of intractable conflict. In K. Sharvit, & E. Halperin (Eds.), A social psychology perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Celebrating the legacy of Daniel Bar-Tal (Vol. II) (pp. 77-96). Springer International.
  • Mana, A., Sagy, S., Sagy, S.,.& Mjally-Knani, S. (2015). On both sides of the fence: Perceptions of collective narratives and identity strategies among Palestinians in Israel and in the West Bank. Journal of Political Psychology, 14, 57–83. (Published online: 3 December 2014)
  • Sagy, S. (2015). Coping, conflict and culture: The salutogenic approach in the study of resiliency. In Adjukovic, D., Kimhi, S. & Lahad, M. (Eds.). Resiliency: Enhancing coping with crisis and terrorism. IOS Press and NATO.
  • Sagy, S., Eriksson, M., & Braun Lewensohn, O. (2015). The Salutogenic Paradigm. In S. Joseph (Ed.), Positive psychology in practice: Promoting human flourishing in work, health, education, and everyday life. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. (2014). Coping resources and stress reactions among three cultural groups one year after a natural disaster. Clinical Social Work Journal, 42(4), 366-374.
  • Daoud, N., Braun-Lewensohn, O., Eriksson, M., & Sagy, S. (2014). Sense of coherence and depressive symptoms among low-income Bedouin women in the Negev IsraelJournal of Mental Health 23(6), 307-311.​
  • Sagy, S. (2014). Preventing drug abuse among children and adolescents: Where does the salutogenic approach direct us? Health, 6(7), 541-548. DOI:10.4236/health.2014.67073​​​
  • Sagy, S. (2014). Salutogenesis: Notes from the diary of a conflict researcher in the "safe room" during "Operation Cloud Pill". Mifgash, 409-26 (in Hebrew).
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. & Sagy, S. (2013). Community resilience and sense of coherence as protective factors in explaining stress reactions: comparing cities and rural communities during missiles attacks. Community Mental Health Journal, 50(2), 229-234.​
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O., Sagy, S., & Al Said, H. (2013). Stress reactions and coping strategies among Bedouin Arab adolescents exposed to demolition of houses. Stress & Health, 30(4), 333-342. DOI:10.1002/smi.2519
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O., Sagy, S., Sabato, H., & Galili, R. (2013). Sense of coherence and sense of community as coping resources of religious adolescents before and after the disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Israeli Journal of Psychiatry, 50(2), 110-117.
  • Peled, D., Sagy, S., & Braun-Lewensohn, O. (2013). Community perception as coping resource among adolescents living under rockets fire: A salutogenic approach. Journal of Community Positive Practices, 4, 681-702.
  • Srour, S., Sagy, S., Mana, A., & Mjally-Knani, S. (2013). Collective narratives as indicators of examining intergroup relations: The case of Palestinian Muslims and Christians in Israel. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24(3), 231-244.
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. (2012). Coping strategies as mediators of the relationship between chronic exposure to missile attacks and stress reactions. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 5(4), 315-326.
  • Mana, A., Sagy, S., Srour, S.& Mjally-Knani, S. (2012). Perceptions of collective narratives and identity strategies: The case of Palestinian Muslims and Christians in Israel. Mind and Society, 11(2), 165-182. (Published online: 3 June 2012).
  • Yahya, S., Bekerman Z., Sagy S., & Boag, S. (2012). When education meets conflict: Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli parental attitudes towards peace promoting education. Journal of Peace Education, 9(3), 297-320.​
  • Ayalon, A. & Sagy, S. (2011). Acculturation attitudes and perceptions of collective narratives: The case of Israeli – Arab youth. Youth and Society, 43(3), 819-844.​
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. & Sagy, S. (2011). Salutogenesis and culture: Personal and community sense of coherence in different cultural groups. International Review of Psychiatry, 23(6), 533-541.​​
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. & Sagy, S. (2011). Sense of coherence and hope as explaining stress reactions during missile attacks: Comparing Jewish and Arab adolescents. Community Mental Health Journal, 47, 300-310.
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. & Sagy, S. (2011). Sense of coherence, hope and values among adolescents under missile attacks: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 15(3), 247-260.
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O., Sagy, S., & Roth G. (2011). Brief report: Adolescents under missile attacks: Sense of coherence as a mediator between exposure and stress related reactions. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 195-197.​​
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O., Sagy, S., & Roth, G. (2011). Coping strategies as mediators of the relationships between sense of coherence and stress reactions: Israeli adolescents under missile attacks. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 24(3), 327-341.
  • Sagy, S. (2011). Preventing use of psychoactive materials among children and adolescents: Where does the Salutogenic model take us? Israeli Journal for Education and Health Promotion, 4, 26-31. (Hebrew).
  • Sagy, S. Ayalon, A., & Diab, K. (2011). Perception of the narrative of the “other” among Arab and Jewish adolescents in Israel: Between peace talks and violent events. Intercultural Education, 22(2), 191-206.
  • Steinberg, S. (2011). Cooperation despite the roadblocks. In T. Litvak-Hirsch & J. Chaitin (Eds.), Intersecting Paths: Psycho-social ways of Reflecting on Israeli Society (pp. 91-102). Beer Sheva, Israel: Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
  • Bental, A. & Sagy, S. (2010) Life experiences contributing to the development of a sense of coherence: Consistency and/or background experience? Studies in Education. Iyunim Bahinuch (Hebrew), 1-2, 215-241. 
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O., Sagy, S. (2010). Stress reactions and coping resources among Jewish and Bedouin adolescents during 'Oferet Yetzuka' and six months later. Mifgash: Journal of Social-Education Work, 31, 13-31 (Hebrew).
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O. & Sagy, S. (2010). Coping resources as explanatory factors of stress reactions during missile attacks: Comparing Jewish and Arab adolescents in Israel. Community Mental Health Journal.
  • Braun-Lewensohn, O., Sagy, S., & Roth, G. (2010). Coping strategies among adolescents: Israeli Jews and Arabs facing missile attacks. Stress, Anxiety and Coping, 23(1), 35-51.
  • Galili, R. & Sagy, S. (2010). The evacuation of Gaza strip settlements: When are coping resources significant in reducing emotional distress? Mifgash: Journal of Social – Educational Work, 31 (Hebrew).
  • Sagy, S., Ayalon, A.3 & Diab, K. (accepted) Perceptions of the “other” among Arab and Jewish adolescents in Israel: Between peace talks and violent events. The Israel Journal of Conflict Resolution (Hebrew).
  • Alfasi, Y., Krummer-Nevo, M., & Sagy, S. (2009). Neither seems nor seen: Youth involved in drug trade in Israel and their community. Mifgash: Journal of Social Education Work (Hebrew).
  • Fishl, D. & Sagy S. (2009). Factors related to students’ achievements: Comparing Israeli Bedouin and Jewish students in college education. Intercultural Education. 20(4), 345-358.​​
  • Sagy, S. & Braun-Lewensohn, O. (2009). Adolescents under rocket fire: When are coping resources significant in reducing emotional distress? Global Health Promotion, 16(4) 1-11.​​