Community resiliency is a term commonly used to describe the ability of a community to endure and survive crisis situations. It encompasses the community's adaptability to changing circumstances and its capability to respond effectively.
The community resiliency assessment project was launched in 2010 by Prof. Limor Aharonson-Daniel from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Prof. Mooli Lahad from Tel-Hai Academic College. Aharonson-Danidl and Lahad formed the Conjoint Community Resiliency Assessment Collaboration: a multidisciplinary cooperative network of experts from seven Israeli academic institutions, linked to decision-makers and partners from relevant ministries and emergency services.
The goal of this effort was to develop a tool that can provide Local and government authorities with a standard and scientifically valid assessment of their community's resilience in order to support the direction of resources towards the elements that the evaluation has pinpointed as needing a boost. Furthermore, the CCRAM facilitates the appraisal of the efficacy of the action taken.
In the past decade the CCRAM has been translated to 15 languages and used all over the world. It has demonstrated its' potential role in establishing a baseline score of community resiliency and its' constructs.
- CCRAM is offered free of charge, we only request registration by clicking here
- Learn more about our current Jewish Community Resilience research