The PREPARED Center for Emergency Response Research

A selection of PREPARED Center Publications

  • Leykin, D., Lahad, M., Cohen, O., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Conjoint Community Resiliency Assessment Measure-28/10 items (CCRAM28 and CCRAM10): A Self-Report Tool for Assessing Community Resilience. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52, October 2013.
  • Cohen, O., Leykin, D., Lahad, M., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Conjoint Community Resiliency Assessment Measure as a Baseline for Profiling and Predicting Community Resilience for Emergencies. Journal of Technological forecasting and social change, 80(9), November 2013.
  • Leykin, D., Lahad, M., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Stress and Resilience in the Midst of a Security Tension. Resiliency: Enhancing Coping with Crisis and Terrorism, 119, 2015.‏​
  • Cohen, O., Bolotin, A., Lahad, M., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L., Increasing Sensitivity of Results by Using Quantile Regression Analysis for Exploring Community Resilience. Ecological Indicators, 66, July 2016.​​
  • Leykin, D., Lahad, M., Cohen, R., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Dynamics of Community Resilience Between Routine and Emergency Situations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 15(1), January 2016.‏
  • Cohen, O., Geva ,D., Lahad, M., Bolotin, A., Leykin, D., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Community Resilience Throughout the Lifespan – The Potential Contribution of Healthy Elders, PLoS one, February 2016.​​
  • Cohen, O., Goldberg, A., Lahad, M., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Building Resilience: The Relationship Between Information Provided by Municipal Authorities During Emergency Situations and Community Resilience, Technological Forcasting and Social Change, 121, August 2017.
  • Rapaport, C., Hornik-Lurie, T., Cohen, O., Lahad, M., Leykin, D., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Relationship Between Community Type and Community Resilience​, Intrenational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31, October 2018.
  • Shapira, S., Cohen, O., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Contribution of Personal and Place-Related Attributes to the Resilience of Conflict-Affected Communities​, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72, December 2020.
  • Goral, A., Lahad, M., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Differences in Posttraumatic Stress Characteristics by Duration of Exposure to Trauma. Psychiatry Research, 258, December 2017.
  • Rubinstein, D., Lahad, M., Leykin, D., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Development and Validation of Fantastic Reality Ability Measurement (FRAME) to Measure Use of Imagination in Response to Stress and Trauma. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, July 2020.
  • Aharonson-Daniel, L., Tannenbaum-Baruchi, K., & Feder-Bubis, P. The Health of Deaf People: Communication Breakdown. letter to the Editor, The Lancet, 379(9820), March 2012.​​
  • Tannenbaum-Baruchi, C., & Feder-Bubis, P. New Sign Language New (S): The Globalization of Sign Language in the Smartphone Era. Disability & Society, Volume 33 NO. 2, 2018.
  • Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Clarfield, A.M., & Feder-Bubis, P. Giving a Voice to Medically Vulnerable Populations: A Mixed‐Methods Investigation of Their Unique Perceptions and Needs in Emergency Situations​. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(3), December 2019.
  • Shapira , S., Feder-Bubis P, A Mark Clarfield, Aharonson-Daniel L Bridging Information Gaps: the path to optimal care for medically vulnerable populations following large-scale public health emergencies. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Vol 41​, December 2019

Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Shohet, I. M., Peek-Asa, C., & Bar-Dayan, Y. Integrating Epidemiological and Engineering Approaches in the Assessment of Human Casualties in Earthquakes. Natural Hazards, 78(2), May 2015.​

Wei, H. H., Shohet, I. M., Skibniewski, M. J., Shapira, S., Levy, R., Levi, T., ... & Zohar, M. Assessment of Casualty and Economic Losses from Earthquakes Using Semi-Empirical Model. Procedia Engineering, 123.‏ October 2015.

Wei, H. H., Shohet, I. M., Skibniewski, M. J., Shapira, S., & Yao, X. Assessing the Lifecycle Sustainability Costs and Benefits of Seismic Mitigation Designs for Buildings. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 22(1), March 2016.

Shapira, S., Novack, L., Bar-Dayan, Y., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. An Integrated and Interdisciplinary Model for Predicting the Risk of Injury and Death in Future Earthquakes. PLoS one, 11(3), March 2016.

Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Bar-Dayan, Y., Sykes, D., & Adini, B. Knowledge, Perceptions, Attitudes and Willingness to Report to Work in an Earthquake: A Pilot Study Comparing Canadian Versus Israeli Hospital Nursing Staff. International Emergency Nursing, 25, March 2016.​

Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., & Bar-Dayan, Y. Anticipated Behavioral Response Patterns to an Earthquake: The R​ole of Personal and Household Characteristics, Risk Perception, Previous Experience and Preparedness. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31, October 2018.​​

Shapira, S., Levi, T., Bar-Dayan, Y., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Impact of Behavior on the Risk of Injury and Death During an Earthquake: A Simulation-Based Study. Natural Hazards, 91(3), January 2018.

Leykin, D., Lahad, M., Cohen, O., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Conjoint Community Resiliency Assessment Measure-28/10 items (CCRAM28 and CCRAM10): A Self-Report Tool for Assessing Community Resilience. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52, October 2013.​

Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Shohet, I. M., Peek-Asa, C., & Bar-Dayan, Y. Integrating Epidemiological and Engineering Approaches in the Assessment of Human Casualties in Earthquakes. Natural Hazards, 78(2), May 2015.

Shapira, S., Novack, L., Bar-Dayan, Y., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. An Integrated and Interdisciplinary Model for Predicting the Risk of Injury and Death in Future Earthquakes. PLoS one, 11(3), March 2016.

Cohen, O., Bolotin, A., Lahad, M., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Increasing Sensitivity of Results by Using Quantile Regression Analysis for Exploring Community Resilience​. Ecological Indicators, 66, July 2016.

Goral, A., Lahad, M., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Differences in Posttraumatic Stress Characteristics by Duration of Exposure to Trauma. Psychiatry Research, 258, December 2017.

Rubinstein, D., Lahad, M., Leykin, D., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Development and Validation of Fantastic Reality Ability Measurement (FRAME) to Measure Use of Imagination in Response to Stress and Trauma. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, July 2020.

  • Simon, T., Adini, B., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Competing to the Rescue – Leveraging Social Media for Cross Border Collaboration in Life-Saving Operations. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 31(11), November 2013.
  • Simon, T., Adini, B., El-Hadid, M., Goldberg, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Race to Save Lives: Demonstrating the Use of Social Media for Search and Rescue Operations​. PLoS Currents, November 2014.
  • Simon, T., Goldberg, A., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Leykin, D., & Adini, B. Twitter in the Cross Fire-The Use of Social Media in the Westgate Mall Terror Attack in Kenya. PLoS one, August 2014.
  • Simon, T., Goldberg, A., & Adini, B. Socializing in Emergencies—A Review of the Use of Social Media in Emergency Situations. International Journal of Information Management, 35(5), October 2015.​​​
  • Simon, T., Aharonson-Daniel, L., El-Hadid, M., & Adini, B. Cross-Border Emergency Coordination and Communications Using Social Media: Developing a Joint Israeli-Jordanian Standard Operating Procedure for Leveraging Social Media in Emergencies. International Journal of Emergency Management, 11(2), August 2015.
  • Leykin, D., Aharonson-Daniel, L., & Lahad, M. Leveraging Social Computing for Personalized Crisis Communication U​sing Social Media. PLoS Currents, March 2016.
  • Avisar, L., Shiyovich, A., Aharonson-Daniel, L., & Nesher, L. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skills Retention and Self Confidence of Preclinical Medical Students. The Israel Medical Association Journal: IMAJ, 15(10), October 2013.​
  • Greenberg T., Adini B., Eden F., Chen T., Ankri T., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. An After-Action Review Tool for EDs: Learning from Casualty Incidents. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 31(5), May 2013.
  • Schwartz, D., Glassberg, E., Nadler, R., Hirschorn, G., Cohen-Marom, O., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. Injury patterns of soldiers in the second Lebanon war. Journal of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, 76(1), January 2014.​​
  • ​Aharonson-Daniel, L., Shwartz, D., Hornik-Lurie, T., & Halpern, P. Quality of Coding Diagnoses in Emergency Departments: Effects on Mapping the Public's Health. The Israel Medical Association Journal: IMAJ, 16(1), January 2014.
  • Drescher, M. J., Wimpfheimer, Z., Darawsha, A., Sullivan, R., Goral, A., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. A Study of the Workforce in Emergency Medicine in Israel 2012: What Has Changed in the Last Decade?. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 8(1), December 2015.‏​
  • Shapira S, Friger M, Bar-Dayan Y, Aharonson-Daniel L, Healthcare workers’ willingness to respond following a disaster: a novel statistical approach toward data analysis BMC Medical Education volume 19, article number: 130 (2019)