Center for Women's Health Studies and Promotion

Research Articles

Abstracts of Articles Published in Journals

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*Each title has a link to the abstract


Women Coping With Illness and Pain Fergus, K., Fitzgerald, B., Granek, L. Clemons, M., Zalany, L. & Eisen, A. (2011)

The symptom appraisal of breast cancer in the context of an intimate relationship Liebergall‐Wischnitzer, M., Paltiel, O., Hochner‐Celnikier, D., Lavy, Y., Manor, O., & Woloski Wruble, A. C. (2011)

Sexual function and quality of life for women with mild-moderate stress urinary incontinence Prokasheva, S., Faran, Y., Cwikel, J., & Geffen, D. B. (2011)

Analysis of Memory Deficits Following Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Survivors: Evidence from the Doors and People Test Granek, L. & Fergus, K. (2012)

Resistance, agency, and liminality in women’s accounts of help seeking upon discovery of an abnormal breast symptom Granek, L., Fitzgerald, B., Fergus, K., Clemons, M. & Heisey, R. (Spring, 2012)

Travelling on parallel tracks: patient and physician perspectives on why women delay seeking care for breast cancer symptoms Warren, L. E., Mendlinger, S. E., Corso, K. A., & Greenberg, C. C. (2012) 

A Model of Knowledge Acquisition in Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients Liebergall-Wischnitzer, M., Ben-Meir, A., Sarid, O., Cwikel, J., & Lavy, Y. (2012)

Women’s well-being after Manchester procedure for pelvic reconstruction with uterine preservation: A follow up study Kuzari, D., Biderman, A., & Cwikel, J. (2013)

Attitudes of women with breast cancer regarding the doctor–patient relationship Segal-Engelchin D, Kfir-Levi , N, Neustaedtler,  SB, Mirsky J. (2015)

​Mental pain among female suicide attempt survivors in Israel: An exploratory qualitative study


Women Coping with Stressful Life Events Cwikel, J., Lev-Wiesel, R., & Al-Krenawi, A. (2003)

The Physical and Psychosocial Health of Bedouin Arab Women of the Negev Area of Israel The Impact of High Fertility and Pervasive Domestic Violence
Cwikel, J., Chudakov, B., Paikin, M., Agmon, K., & Belmaker, R. H. (2004)

Trafficked female sex workers awaiting deportation: Comparison with brothel workers Granek, L. (2006)

What’s love got to do with it? The relational nature of depressive experiences Mirsky, J., & Peretz, Y. (2006) 

Maturational opportunities in migration: Separation–individuation perspective Mirsky, J., (2006) 

“Once we left, the relationships spoiled and progress began” - Immigration as developmental opportunity (Hebrew) Mirsky, J., Kohn, R., Levav, I., Grinshpoon, A., & Ponizovsky, A. M. (2008)

Psychological Distress and Common Mental Disorders Among Immigrants: Results From the Israeli-Based Component of the World Mental Health Survey Berger, R., Sarid, O., Hurvitz, N., & Anson, O. (2009)

Sense of coherence and mood states: Exploring the causal relationships ​Cwikel, J., Segal-Engelchin, D., & Mendlinger, S. (2010)

Mothers' coping styles during times of chronic security stress: Effect on health status Halperin, O., Goldblatt, H., Noble, A., Raz, I., Zvulunov, I., & Liebergall Wischnitzer, M. (2011)

Stressful childbirth situations on midwives: A qualitative study of midwives Granek, L., Rosenberg‐Yunger, Z. R. S., Dix, D., Klaassen, R. J., Sung, L., Cairney, J., & Klassen, A. F. (2012)

Caregiving, Single Parents and Cumulative Stresses When Caring for A Child With Cancer Sarid, O., Segal-Engelchin, D., & Cwikel, J. (2012)

The contribution of negative reproductive experiences and chronic medical conditions to depression and pain among Israeli women Sarid, O. (2013)

Assessment of anger terms in Hebrew: A gender perspective Huss, E., & Cwikel, J. (2015)

Women’s stress in compulsory army service in Israel: A gendered perspective


Eating Disorders Granek, L. (2007)

“You’re a whole lot of person”: Understanding the journey through anorexia to recovery: A qualitative study Greenberg, L., Cwikel, J., & Mirsky, J. (2007) 

Cultural correlates of eating attitudes: A comparison between native born and immigrant university students in Israel Cwikel, J. G. (2011)

Strategies for resisting eating disorders over the life course—A mother-daughter case analysis


Parenting and Family Issues Cwikel, J., & Amir, L. H. (2005)

Why do women stop breastfeeding? A closer look at 'not enough milk 'among Israeli women in the Negev Region Mendlinger, S., & Cwikel, J. (2005) 

Learning about menstruation: Knowledge acquisition and cultural diversity Cwikel, J., & Mendlinger, S. (2006)

Health behaviors over the life cycle among mothers and daughters from Ethiopia Sarid, O., & Shraga, Y. (2009) 

Perceptions and attitudes towards infant’s physical health and caring: Immigrants and native born mothers Slonim-Nevo, V., Mirsky, J., Rubinstein, L., & Nauck, B. (2009) 

The Impact of Familial and Environmental Factors on the Adjustment of Immigrants Shraga, Y., & Sarid, O. (2010)

Infant caring behavior: A comparison between immigrant mothers and native born mothers (Hebrew) Simhi, M., Shraga, Y., & Sarid, O. (2013) 

Vaccination of infants and health beliefs of ultra-orthodox mothers Sarid, O., & Shraga, Y. (2013)

Infants’ sleeping and feeding patterning: A cultural perspective of maternal practices Rosenberg-Yunger, Z. R., Granek, L., Sung, L., Klaassen, R., Dix, D., Cairney, J., & Klassen, A. F. (2013) 

Single Parent Caregivers of Children with Cancer: Factors Assisting with Caregiving Strains Gorodzeisky, A., Sarid, O., Mirsky, J., & Slonim-Nevo, V. (2014)

Immigrant families: Mothers' and fathers' proficiency in a host-country language and psychological well-being of daughters and sons Sarid, O., Shraga, Y., Pereg, A., Cwikel. J., Reuveni, H. (2015)

The effect of ethno culture and health beliefs on mothers vaccination behavior


Sexuality, Pregnancy and Birth Cwikel, J., Rozentsweig, A., Sofer, T., Ben-Tal, T., & Shvartzman, P. (1993) 

Past and present contraceptive behavior of new Soviet immigrant women in Israel Cwikel, J., Gidron, Y., & Sheiner, E. (2004)

Psychological interactions with infertility among women Cwikel, J., & Hoban, E. (2005)

Contentious issues in research on trafficked women working in the sex industry: Study design, ethics, and methodology Lavie, M., & Willig, C. (2005) 

“I Don’t feel like melting butter”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of ‘inorgasmia’ Lavie-Ajayi, M. (2005) 

Because all real women do”: The construction and deconstruction of “female orgasmic disorder” Cwikel, J. G., Lazer, T., Press, F., & Lazer, S. (2008)

Sexually transmissible infections among female sex workers: an international review with an emphasis on hard-to-access populations Damti, O. B., Sarid, O., Sheiner, E., Zilberstein, T., & Cwikel, J. (2008) 

Stress and distress in infertility among women (Herbrew) Sarid, O., Cwikel, J., & Bloch, M. (2008)

Cognitive-behavioral intervention during infertility treatments (Hebrew) Oz, Y., Sarid, O., Peleg, R., & Sheiner, E. (2009) 

Sense of coherence predicts uncomplicated delivery: A prospective observational study Lavie-Ajayi, M., & Joffe, H. (2009)

Social Representations of Female Orgasm Segal-Engelchin, D., Sarid, O., & Cwikel, J. (2009)

Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum experiences of Israeli women in the Negev Liebergall, M., & Lavy, Y. (2009)

Different interventions during birth and delivery and their connection to pelvic floor damage Grinstein‐Cohen, O., & Sarid, O. (2012)

A case report of gunshot terror attack in pregnancy: Implications for forensic nursing Halperin, O., Sarid, O., & Cwikel, J. (2013)

A comparison of Israeli Jewish and Arab women's birth perceptions Czamanski-Cohen, J., Sarid, O., Cwikel, J., Lunenfeld, E., Douvdevani, A., Levitas, E., & Har-Vardi, I. (2013)

Increased plasma cell-free DNA is associated with low pregnancy rates among women undergoing IVF-embryo transfer Yulevitch, A., Czamanski‐Cohen, J., Segal, D., Ben‐Zion, I., & Kushnir, T. (2013)

The vagina dialogues: Genital self-image and communication with physicians about sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction among Jewish patients in a women's health clinic in southern Israel Czamanski-Cohen, J., Sarid, O., Cwikel, J., Levitas, E., Lunenfeld, E., Douvdevani, A., & Har-Vardi, I. (2014)

Decrease in cell free DNA levels following participation in stress reduction techniques among women undergoing infertility treatment ​Halperin, O., Sarid, O., & Cwikel, J. (2015)

The influence of childbirth experiences on women’s post-partum traumatic stress symptoms: a comparison between Israeli Jewish and Arab women


Women's Health throughout the Life Cycle Warshawsky-Livne,L., Cwikel, J., Pliskin, J., & Avgar, A. (2005).

Perception of Health Care Delivery in Israel: Women's Voices Cwikel, J., Gramotnev, H., & Lee, C. (2006)

Never-married childless women in Australia: Health and social circumstances in older age


Health Promotion Interventions Liebergall-Wischnitzer, M., Hochner-Celnikier, D., Lavy, Y., Manor, O., Arbel, R., & Paltiel, O. (2005) 

Paula method of circular muscle exercises for urinary stress incontinence-a clinical trial Liebergall-Wischnitzer, M., Hochner-Celnikier, D., Lavy, Y., Manor, O., Shveiky, D., & Paltiel, O. (2009) 

Randomized trial of circular muscle versus pelvic floor exercises for stress urinary incontinence in women Liebergall-Wischnitzer, M., Paltiel, O., Hochner-Celnikier, D., Lavy, Y., Shveiky, D., & Manor, O. (2010)

The concordance between a one hour pad test and subjective assessment of stress incontinence Cwikel, J. (2010)

Gender Based Strategies for Public Health Activism: Tools from Social Epidemiology to Address Inequalities in Women's Health Czamanski-Cohen, J. (2010)  

“Oh! Now I remember”: The use of a studio approach to art therapy with internally displaced people Meallem, I., Garb, Y., & Cwikel, J. (2010)

Environmental Hazards of Waste Disposal Patterns—A Multimethod Study in an Unrecognized Bedouin Village in the Negev Area of Israel Sarid, O., Berger, R., & Segal-Engelchin, D. (2010)

The Impact of cognitive behavioral interventions on SOC, perceived stress and mood states of nurses Huss, E., Sarid, O., & Cwikel, J. (2010)

Using art as a self-regulating tool in a war situation: A model for social workers Heisey, R., Clemons, M., Granek, L., Fergus, K., Hum, S., Lord, B., McCready, D., & Fitzgerald, B. (2011)

Health care strategies to promote earlier presentation of symptomatic breast cancer: Perspectives of women and family physicians Cwikel, J., & Ifergane, A. (2012)

Three Years of Isha Be-shela, A Women’s Counseling Center in the Negev – a Mixed Method Analysis Huss, E., & Sarid, O. (2012)

Using imagery in health care settings: Addressing physical and psychological trauma Sarid, O., Berger, R., & Segal-Engelchin, D. (2012)

Are cognitive behavioral interventions effective in reducing occupational stress among nurses? Czamanski-Cohen, J. (2012)

The Use of Art in the Medical Decision-Making Process of Oncology Patients Liebergall‐Wischnitzer, M., Paltiel, O., Hochner Celnikier, D., Lavy, Y., Manor, O., & Woloski Wruble, A. C. (2012) 

Sexual function and quality of life of women with stress urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial comparing the Paula method (circular muscle exercises) to pelvic floor muscle training exercises Liebergall-Wischnitzer, M., Paltiel, O., Lavy, Y., Shveiky, D., Manor, O., & Hochner-Celnikier, D. (2013) 

Long-term efficacy of Paula Method as compared with PFMT for Stress Urinary Incontinence in women: A 6-month follow-up Kadmon, I., Goldin, Y., Bdolah, Y., Farhat, M., & Liebergall-Wischnitzer, M. (2014) 

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of physicians and nurses regarding the link between IVF treatments and breast cancer Czamanski-Cohen, J., Sarid, O., Huss, E., Ifergane, A., Niego, L., & Cwikel, J. (2014)

CB-ART—The use of a hybrid cognitive behavioral and art based protocol for treating pain and symptoms accompanying coping with chronic illness Huss, E., & Sarid, O. (2014)

Visually transforming artwork and guided imagery as a way to reduce work related stress: A quantitative pilot study


Women in Different Family Configurations Segal-Engelchin, D., & Wozner, Y. (2005)

The quality of life of single mothers by choice in Israel: A comparison to divorced and married mothers Segal-Engelchin, D. (2008)

Fear of intimacy and hardiness among single mothers by choice: A comparison to divorced and married mothers Segal-Engelchin, D., Erera, P., & Cwikel, J. (2012)

Having it all? Unmarried women choosing hetero-gay families


Health-Related Behaviors Segal-Engelchin, D., Friedmann, E., & Cwikel, J. G. (2014)

The contribution of parental smoking history and socio-demographic factors to the smoking behavior of Israeli women Maor, M., & Cwikel, J. (2015)

Mothers’ strategies to strengthen their daughters’ body image