Center for Women's Health Studies and Promotion

Current Research Projects

Publications and Academic Activities of Center Researchers and Scholars (Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Name)

With great pride, we share with you the publications and academic activities of the Center's researchers and scholars during 2020.

Dr. Samira Alfayumi-Zeadna


Bar G, Harlev A, Alfayumi-Zeadna S, Zeadna A, Bord I, Har-Vardi I, Lunenfeld E, Levitas E. Recurrent implantation failure: which patients benefit from endometrial scratching prior to IVF? Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2020 Mar;301(3):817-822. doi: 10.1007/s00404-019-05424-1.

Daoud N., Alfayumi-Zeadna S., Tur-Sinai A., Geraisy N., Talmud I. Neighborhood disorder and inequalities in anxiety among Palestinian-Arab and Jewish women in Israel. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2020 Dec 9;19(1):218. doi: 10.1186/s12939-020-01339-5.

Under review:

 Alfayumi‐Zeadna S., Froimovici M., O'Rourke N., Azbarga Z., Alkatnany A., Okby-Crinon R., Zoabi-Salman L., Grotto I., Daoud N. Direct and indirect Pathways to Prenatal Depression Symptoms in Arab-Bedouin Women: the contribution of Stressful Life Events and Social Support.

Alfayumi‐Zeadna S., Froimovici M., O'Rourke N., Azbarga Z., Alkatnany A., Okby-Crinon R., Zoabi-Salman L., Grotto I., Daoud N. Effectiveness of Culturally Based Intervention in Healthcare Services for Reducing Postpartum Depression among Minority Bedouin Women in southern Israel: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trail.

Prof. Aya Biderman


Environmental Epidemiology:October 2019 - Volume 3 - Issue - p 325

doi: 10.1097/01.EE9.0000609568.95007.1d

Treister-Goltzman, Y., Peleg, R., & Biderman, A. (2020). A comparative study of iron deficiency anemia in Bedouin and Jewish women of childbearing age in Southern Israel. Population Health Management23(3), 271-271.

Prof. Julie Cwikel    


Alexander Binun, A. Cwikel, J. Dolev, S. Hershfinkel, R.  (2020). Machine Learning by Actigraph Data for Detection of Postpartum Depression.  Paper presented at CSCML, Ph.D. track.

Cwikel, J., Sergienko, R., Gutvirtz, G., Abramovitz, R., Slusky, D., Quastel, M., & Sheiner, E. (2020). Reproductive Effects of Exposure to Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: A Long-Term Follow-Up of Immigrant Women Exposed to the Chernobyl Accident. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 1-23., 9(6), 1786.

Cwikel, J., & Friedmann, E. (2020). E-therapy and social work practice: Benefits, barriers, and training. International Social Work63(6), 730-745.

Cwikel, J., Sergienko, R., & Sheiner, E. (2020). 733: Reproductive outcomes among immigrant women exposed to the Chernobyl accident.  American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology222(1), S464.

Shlomi Dolev; Sergey Frenkel; Julie Cwikel ; Victor Zakharov (2020).
Probabilistic Models of Psychological Aspects in Computer–based Social Interactions

 International Conference Engineering Technologies and Computer Science (EnT)


Cwikel, J, Sheiner, E., Sergienko, R. Slusky, D. and Quastel, M. (2020).  Hospitalizations in a historical follow-up study of Chernobyl exposed immigrants in the Negev, Israel. (Revise and resubmitted)

Cwikel, J. & Simhi, M.  (2020) The use of the hackathon model in social work education. (Revise and resubmitted).

Simhi, M. Sarid, O. Rowe, H. Fisher, Cwikel J.  Is a cognitive-behavioral intervention for women managing postpartum anxiety and depression symptoms more effective by individual phone or group format?  (Revise and resubmitted).

Research Grants

2018-2020: The use of actigraph monitoring to identify early women at risk of Post-Partum Depression.  Social Science Faculty grant for multidisciplinary research.  Co-investigators:  Prof. Shlomi Dolev (Computers), Dr. Liat Titotsky (Psychology) and Dr. Aviad Hadar

2020- 2021 - Assessment of voice markers of depression and other clinical states among medical staff treating patients with Corona Covid-19 and community residents during the Corona Crisis of 2020.  President's special fund for Corona and private donor.  Co-investigators with Dr. Dan Vilenchik, Dr. Alison Stern Perez, Mr. Ruslan Sergienko and clinical staff from Soroka.

Dr. Johanna Czamanski-Cohen


Czamanski-Cohen, J., Wiley, J., & Weihs, K. L. (2020). Protocol for the REPAT study: role of emotional processing in art therapy for breast cancer palliative care patients. BMJ open10(11), e037521.

Czamanski-Cohen, J., Galili, G., & Allen, J. J. (2020). Examining Changes in HRV and Emotion Following Artmaking with Three Different Art Materials. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (155), e60376.

Schultz, M., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Bentur, N., Mohsen-Byadsi, S., Artsieli, Y., & Bar-Sela, G. (2020). Multidisciplinary staff perspectives on the integration of spiritual care in a new setting: Israel. Palliative & supportive care18(4), 431-436.

Czamanski-Cohen, J., Galili, G., Allen, J.B. (in press). Measuring changes in HRV while creating art with 3 different materials. JoVE, 1-4.


2018-2021  RO1 (1R01NR017186-01A1) The REPAT study. Role of emotional processing as a mechanism of Art Therapy in palliative cancer patients: a mechanistic study. With Dr. Karen Weihs.   NIH.


Dr. Ofer Emanuel Edelstein


Edelstein, O.E. PI, Vered, I. C, & Sarid, O. PI (2020). Correlates of participation in physical activity among older women in Israel: Does ethno-cultural background matter? Health Promotion International, (Accepted).

Edelstein, O.E. PI Wacht, O. C, Greenstein-Cohen, O.C, Reznik, A.C, Pruginin, I. C, & Isralowitz. R.PI . (2020). Does religiosity matter? University student attitudes and beliefs toward medical cannabis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 51, 102407.

Edelstein, O.E.,PI Wacht, O. C, Isralowitz, R.PI , Reznik, A. C, & Bachner, Y.G.PI (2020). Beliefs and attitudes of graduate gerontology students about medical marijuana use for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 52, 102418.

Edelstein, O.E. PI, Achdut, N.C, Vered, I.C, & Sarid, O. PI (2020). Determinants of bone mineral screening behavior among three ethno-cultural groups in Israel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6138.

Dr. Ephrat Huss

Edited volumes:

1.      Huss, E. & Bos, E. (in press). (Eds.). Social work research using arts-based methods. Policy Press.

2.      Boss, E. & Huss, E. (in press). (Eds). Using arts to transform society. Routlege.


Ben Asher, S., Sagy, S., Srour, A., Walden, T., Huss, E., Shahar, E., & Alsraiha, K. (2020). Hope among refugee children attending the International School of Peace on Lesbos. Journal of Refugee Studies.‏ (Q1)

Segal-Engelchin, D. &, Achdut, N. & Huss, E. & Sarid, O. (2020). CB-Art interventions implemented with mental health professionals working in a shared war reality: transforming negative images and enhancing coping resources J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 2287

Huss, E., Ben Asher, S., Shahar, E., Walden, T., & Sagy, S. (2020). Creating places, relationships and education for refugee children in camps: Lessons learnt from the 'The School of Peace' educational model Children & Society DOI: 10.1111/chso.12412

Gil–Schwartzberg, T., Huss, E., & Slonim-Nevo, V. (in press). Exploring the concept of social art through a single session social art activity as a space of psychological and social agency for refugee populationsThe Arts in Psychotherapy. (in press)


February 2020 Art & Education for Social Justice Symposium. Greetings 2020 AESJ Attendees, February 21-23, 2020

Invited lecture: Turin Family Social Work Conference  “Creative Genograms in Family therapy" 2ND  International Scientific Conference on Research on Family Services, 23RD –25TH MARCH, 2020 ,Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland PROGRAMME

  Invited lecture: Using the theory of Embodied Socially Embedded Aesthetics as a Theoretical Base for Socially transformative arts Hosted by The University of Georgia's Lamar Dodd School of Art and The School of Social Work (in partnership with Florida State University)

  May 20 EFAT European art therapy association.  Addressing Covid Crises in community engagement through the arts.

Dr. Michal Liebergall-Wischnitzer 

2020 Current Department Head, Clinical Nursing, Hadassah Medical School.

Michal Liebergall-Wischnitzer , David Shvieky , MD,2 Yuval Lavy , Anna Woloski Wruble , Anita Noble , Adi Vaknin . Paula Method (Circular Muscle Exercise) for Urinary Incontinence Symptoms of Women with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 26 (7), 652–653

Michal Liebergall-Wischnitzer , Anna Shaphir , Amy Solnica , Drorith Hochner-Celnikier   Are Paula Method exercises effective for gastrointestinal reactivation post-elective cesarean delivery? Randomized controlled trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/jan.14681. Accepted for publication, November, 2020

Dr. Merav Rabinovich


Rabinovich, M. (accepted). Elephant in the room: Relationships between categories methodology for case study metasynthesis. Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association.

Rabinovich M. (2020). Relationships between categories: The context of the symptom in practice. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 50(2), 95-103.

Prof. Orly Sarid


Achdut N and Sarid O. (2020). Socio-economic status, self-rated health and mental health: The mediation effect of social participation on early-late midlife and older adults. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 9, 4

Edelstein OE, Vered I, & Sarid O. (2020). Correlates of participation in physical activity among older women in Israel: Does ethno-cultural background matter? Health Promotion International

Edelstein O, Achdut N, Vered I, & Sarid O. (2020). Determinants of bone mineral screening behavior among three ethno-cultural groups in Israel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 6138

Goren G, Sarid O, Philippou & Taylor A. (2020). Sense of coherence mediates the links between job status prior to birth and postpartum depression: a structured equation modelling approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Reggev S, Odes S, Slonim-Nevo V, Friger M, Schwartz D, Sergienko R, Eliakim R, & Sarid O. (2020). Differential relationships of somatization, depression and anxiety to severity of Crohn's disease. Journal of Health Psychology

Segal-Engelchin D, Achdut N, Huss E, & Sarid O. (2020). CB-Art interventions implemented with mental health professionals working in a shared war reality: Transforming negative images and enhancing coping resources. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2287

Prof. Dorit Segal-Engelchin


Even , D., Shvarts, S., & Segal-Engelchin, D. (2020). Medical social workers as mediators between physicians, patients, and the court: Case study of patients treated by irradiation for ringworm in childhood. Social Work in Health Care. DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2020.1822488

Hoffer, L., Shvarts, S., & Segal-Engelchin, D. (2020). Hair loss due to ringworm irradiation in childhood: Health and psychosocial risks for women. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 9:34

Segal-Engelchin, D., Achdut N, Huss E, & Sarid O. (2020). CB-Art interventions implemented with mental health professionals working in a shared war reality: Transforming negative images and enhancing coping resources. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7): 2287. 

Segal-Engelchin, D. & Shvarts, S. (2020). Does severity of hair loss matter? Factors associated with mental health outcomes in women irradiated for tinea capitis in childhood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7388; doi:10.3390/ijerph17207388


 Prof. Ilana Shoham-Vardi


Berger-Polsky, A., Daoud, N., Sergienko, R., Sheiner, E., Shoham-Vardi, I., & Bilenko, N. (2020). Polygamy and birth outcomes among Bedouin women of the Negev: The contribution of social determinants and pregnancy complications. Health Care for Women International41(1), 54-74.

Daoud, N., Sergienko, R., & Shoham-Vardi, I. (2020). Intimate partner violence prevalence, recurrence, types, and risk factors among Arab, and Jewish immigrant and nonimmigrant women of childbearing age in Israel. Journal of interpersonal violence35(15-16), 2869-2896.

Daoud, N., Kraun, L., Sergienko, R., Batat, N., Shoham-Vardi, I., Davidovitch, N., & Cohen, A. (2020). Patterns of healthcare services utilization associated with intimate partner violence (IPV): Effects of IPV screening and receiving information on support services in a cohort of perinatal women. PloS one15(1), e0228088.

Nahum Sacks, K., Friger, M., Shoham‐Vardi, I., Sergienko, R., Landau, D., & Sheiner, E. (2020). In utero exposure to pre‐eclampsia as an independent risk factor for long‐term respiratory disease. Pediatric Pulmonology55(3), 723-728.

Saban, A., Shoham-Vardi, I., Yohay, D., & Weintraub, A. Y. (2020). Peritoneal adhesions do not increase intra-operative organ injury or adverse neonatal outcomes during a repeated cesarean delivery. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics302(4), 879-886.

Grant:  ISF with Dr. Tamar Wainstock . Recurrent Preterm Birth, Risk Association with Environmental and Genetic Factors.


 Prof. Shifra Shvarts


Even , D., Shvarts, S., & Segal-Engelchin, D. (2020). Medical social workers as mediators between physicians, patients, and the court: Case study of patients treated by irradiation for ringworm in childhood. Social Work in Health Care. DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2020.1822488

Hoffer, L., Shvarts, S., & Segal-Engelchin, D. (2020). Hair loss due to ringworm irradiation in childhood: Health and psychosocial risks for women. Israel Journal of  Health Policy Research, 9:34

Segal-Engelchin, D. & Shvarts, S. (2020). Does Severity of Hair Loss Matter? Factors Associated with Mental Health Outcomes in Women Irradiated for Tinea Capitis in Childhood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7388; doi:10.3390/ijerph17207388