Center for Women's Health Studies and Promotion

The Center's Research Students

Name of the Student

Name of the Supervisor


Research Area




Women coping with Stressful Life Events ​



 Ms. Shira Ackerman

 Prof. Ephrat Huss


Women who are victims of childhood sexual abuse and lacking family support: Their outlook on the correct treatment framework


 Ms. Liron Barak

Prof. Orly Sarid
 Prof. Itzhak Gilat
The relationship between attitudes toward using e-therapy for psychological needs (users of Eran) and mindfulness ability

Mr. Kfir Bar-Yosef

 Prof. Ephrat Huss



Portrayal of stigma toward cognitive impairment by images of boys and girls


Ms. Tamar Dagan

 Prof. Ephrat Huss



The use of "memory pages" in social network on Facebook as offering a treatment dimension for coping among bereaved parents from security forces


Ms. Liat Hoffer



 Dr. Dorit Segal-Engelchin


 Prof. Shifra Shvarts 



 thesis completion towards a PhD degree
Women treated by irradiation for ringworm in the 1950s


Ms. Ilana  Karutchi


 Prof. Ephrat Huss




Stories of coping among wives of alcoholics: A reanalysis of the "co-dependency" theory


Ms. Nirit Volk


 Prof. Julie Cwikel


 Prof. Judy Postmus 



Resilience among mothers who were victims of childhood sexual abuse and their daughters who did or did not suffer from childhood sexual abuse





Sexuality, Pregnancy and Birth


Ms. Ola Abu-Halva​​




 Prof. Orly Sarid



Demographic, social and psychological features of women who give birth after the age of 40


Ms. Shimrit Engelsman



 Prof. Julie Cwikel


 Prof. Ephrat Huss


Health behaviors and subjective pregnancy and birth experiences among Haredi women in Israel


Ms. Sharona Peled


 Prof. Orly Sarid


 Prof. Talma Kushnir




Characteristics of labeling, communication and evaluation of quality of pre-natal services as reflected by nurses in women's health centers among lesbian and transsexual women


Ms. Orit Segev

 Prof. Orly Sarid 



Feelings of self-cohesiveness and first symptoms of depression among women after a first birth


Ms. Meital Simhi

 Prof. Orly Sarid


 Prof. Julie Cwikel



Social-demographic features and health beliefs regarding service preferences in the presence of  depression or anxiety among mothers after birth


 Ms. Ortal Vaalni


 Prof. Orly Sarid




The effects of social support on the first symptoms of post-partum depression and bonding with the infant





Parenting and Family Issues


Ms. Efrat Cohen-Noyman



 Prof. Julie Cwikel




The mother-daughter relationship and its effect on the development of body image among adolescent girls


Ms. Yael Damri


 Prof. Julie Cwikel


 DrShosh Arbel


 Dr. Naama AtzabaPoria-






The relationship between parental, child and contextual variables and the reflective capacity among parents of children with ADHD



Ms. Daya Ben-Yosef


 Dr. Dorit Segal-Engelchin


 Prof. Julie Cwikel




The generational transfer of health behaviors from mothers to daughters with regard to breastfeeding and body image


Mr. Avigdor Kaner


 Dr. Dorit Segal-Engelchin



 Prof. Julie Cwikel


The transition to fatherhood: An internet intervention for new fathers


Ms. Tali Nevo



 Dr. Dorit Segal-Engelchin





The meaning of choosing sperm donation as a route to single motherhood


Ms. Talia Paichich-Aizen



 Dr. Dorit Segal-Engelchin




MA thesis completion towards a PhD degree


The experience of mothering among women who are partnered with a widower with young children





Women Coping With Illness and Pain


Ms. Naama Malul

 Prof. Orly Sarid



The effect of hydrotherapy and length of daily practice on improving psychological function: The effect of depression and anxiety symptoms among women with fibromyalgia


Ms. Daniella Pratt


 Prof. Orly Sarid


 Dr. Yuval Krieger



Perceptions of pain among hospitalized women suffering from burns: Social and demographic features